
dm is a command line counterpart to DirMaster with a unix-flavored set of features.

dm started out as an ls-like lister for CBM (Commodore Business Machine, i.e. the c64, c128, etc) container formats - that includes both physical-media image formats (like .d64, .t64 .p00) and native/archival formats (like .lnx and [1-4]! zips). dm now includes a growing number of useful sub-commands for performing various tasks on supported container formats that make sense in the command line interface context - think of dm as a CLI 'cousin' to DirMaster. dm was originally called cbmls when its only feature was listing.

Current sub-commands are:

  • ls: list the contents of Commodore container formats
  • view: display supported file formats directly in the terminal
  • cat: concatenate data from Commodore containers to standard output
  • unar: expand archive contents to a new disk image
  • zip: compress a .d64 into a zip4/5 set
  • unzip: uncompress zip4/5 and zip6 sets into a .d64 or .g64
  • diff: compare two block-based disk images
  • fgrep: search for matching bytes in block-based disk images

The default when no sub-command is explicitly selected is 'ls' and in that case dm will behave much like cbmls did. But you can also use 'dm ls' if you want to explicitly invoke the ls/listing feature. i.e. the following are equivalent:

dm ls -lc disk.d64
dm -lc disk.d64      # sub-command omitted

​See the documentation link above for more information.